England may wish to follow Scotland’s lead on preventive healthcare for under 5s, writes Emma Wilkinson
Urgent action is needed to tackle worsening health in children under 5 in the UK, the Academy of Medical Sciences warned last month. Poor rates of infant survival, increasing demand for mental health services, rising rates of obesity and tooth decay, and falling vaccination rates1 were all listed as areas to address.
The report2 called for efforts to increase the workforce for child and family health. According to the Institute of Health Visiting (IHV), England needs 5000 more health visitors to meet the basic requirement (mandated by regulation) of five visits between a child’s birth and their starting school.
Drop-in clinics have been scaled back in many areas following long term cuts in public health grants,3 and this year’s IHV annual report found that 79% of health visitors in England felt they lacked capacity to support children with identified needs. The average casel
Someone may be in confusion – what the country’s political system is – a kingdom or a republic? Whatever the political system’s nomenclature suggests, it’s
Health visiting services lack the capacity to support increasing numbers of vulnerable children due to a shortage of thousands of workers, a survey warns.