Ecologi’s technology solution plugs into accounting software to give companies a carbon footprint baseline from which to base an emissions reduction strategy, but measurement is only part of the challenge.
Macro moves like investing in alternative protein and micro steps like local ice cream companies moving away from dairy are all helping the UK hit its net-zero target by 2050.
Saving the planet
FOR good reason, this year is billed as the year we must come together to save human civilisation.
Fortunately, the technology needed to achieve a zero-carbon economy is surprisingly straightforward. Less easy is getting some 8 billion cantankerous primates to agree on a single course of action.
Help is at hand from a wide array of books. The first up is from Mike Berners-Lee of the Institute for Social Futures at Lancaster University, UK. He finds himself already having to update his 2019 bestseller, There is No Planet B: A handbook for the make or break years. Once again, he emphasises what we can do as individuals to address climate change, from eating less meat to preserving biodiversity in our own backyards.