secretary lew. he confirmed he had been told about the investigation and said he was only in the it was only in the most general terms. he went through a number of items that were matters they were working on. and the topic of project on the issue was one of the things he briefed me on was ongoing. i didn t know any of the details on it until last friday. when what i learned about it from the moment i learned about it, i was outraged. however, republicans were not taken by surprise either. congressman issa told bloomberg business week this past monday he had known about the investigation for the past year as well. waited for the process to conclude before making any public accusations. after this was note order saturday by the huffington post, oversight committee spokesman told them the oversight committee knew about the audit because it requested it. we rereleased this letter a week ago. it does not explain why the obama administration officials knew about serious allegation
scandals when that public appetite is not there, i don t think that s actually helpful for a party or any politician along the question last segment, what would it take? what kind of scandal? as we mentioned bush in 04. it is true in the second term, approval rating really did drop. he did lose, i guess, part much his base to the extent there are swing voters. he lost them. you can pin that on the scandals of the second term. put it the failures in iraq, that sort of thing. unpopular war, casualties there. new stories indicating the war was going very badly. wasn t a scandal so much. it was just the the way the war was going. and in this case, i think that the only thing that would hurt the president would be if there was credible information indicating that the president him sell was involved in this irs scandal, that s the only one i could see has potential to have a negative impact. he was involved if he knew about this, if he was involved in instay gating it the wa
nothing aren t the drones you are looking for, not the scandal you are looking for. i think that s another way that makes the this irs piece so different. different kind of scandal. i want to put up a tweet here from rupert murdoch this week. responding to the irs story. i love that rupert murdoch is on the story poll way to handle the irs story is for a special prosecutor. one politicized government investigating another arm, bad week. used the term special prosecutor. i want to talk about it because after watergate we had this explosion of independent counsel special prosecutor, lawrence wolf, during the clinton years, it just went crazy with it. that seemed to be the standard call by the generation. every time there was any hint of any scandal near the opposition party calls for a special prosecutor, i think we saw with ken starr, lewinsky, clinton stories, people saw the excesses of that. have we reached a point rupert murdoch is calling for it, i m not hearing this ech
thing. if you are outlining exactly specifically what this means, this is also telling you exactly how to structure loopholes to get around it or structure organizations that are officially within the law bumt violate the spirit of the law and so that s what people always complain about. groups getting around, hard and why is it common sense? when people try to do it in a common sense way, this is what happens. there is a that s the issue. that s the issue here. idea this has fallen through the evolution of campaign finance, this has fallen to the irs and irs is clearly or was clearly woefully unprepared to deal with this latest evolution of a campaign finance, i want to talk about how we got to this, what the irs can do and if the irs should be doing anything at all when we come back. eeping? eeping? just wanted to check and make sure that we were on schedule.
looking after groups on the right, right now thinks the irs is really out to get them. and yet, it is the irs right now that s charged with overseeing these groups with all the money is sort of proliferating. is it feasible that we are going to get any reforms since the irs is going to have to implement this in the reform? at least people are talking about it. i mean, feel like last year i was covering the subject the entire year and a lot of times you felt like you were right into this vacuum. nobody was paying attention to. the last week i feel like people at least know that there is such a thing as a 501-c-4 and talking about it. maybe something can happen out of it. at least we can be talking about it in and america can realize all the anonymous is going into the elections. i think that this is something where, you know, there are a lot of different elements to solve, you know, the really unequal influence of money and politics that are somewhat more controversial or that