honourable the right honourable. the right honourable member for south swindon s instant reaction was, oh my god, swindon s instant reaction was, oh my god, you d better be funny. the honourable my god, you d better be funny. the honourable member for the cities of london honourable member for the cities of london and honourable member for the cities of london and westminster told me i would london and westminster told me i would be london and westminster told me i would be a london and westminster told me i would be a total mess. even my dad, a former member and my inspiration even my dad, a former member and my inspiration in even my dad, a former member and my inspiration in many ways said after yesterday s inspiration in many ways said after yesterday s rehearsal, you are going to have yesterday s rehearsal, you are going to have to yesterday s rehearsal, you are going to have to tell the jokes better than to have to tell the jokes better than that. mr s