i didn t see 100 grand worth of new clothes. maybe she hid em. sounds to me like the old gas card scam. what do you mean? your parents put you on a strict allowance, but they give you a gas card so you can fill your car. well, you fill your friends cars, and they give you cash. some of my buddies in boarding school nearly doubled their allowance. uh-huh. not me, of course. that. don t tell my mother. so if odette needed cash in a hurry to, say, maybe pay off some guy in an alley. but the monthly stipend from her family trust wasn t enough to cover it. so she charges the clothes, sells them to her friends, instant cash flow. which is still not enough. the card s maxed out, the money train stops, and she can t make payment to whoever she owes. she ends up dead. yeah, but do you guys think that odette actually had one size 4 friend willing to pay 100 grand for a bunch of pegged jeans and a faux rabbit purse? did you say rabbit? (people speaking indistinctly) jasmine. we need to talk.