Dragon Ball Cosplay Highlights Android 18 s Super Look
Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z get big makeovers and power boosts along the way, but Android 18 s attire change is definitely a notable one as one fan has decided to replicate the more laid-back look via spot-on Cosplay. In the anime, the last big battle that 18 participated in was during the Tournament of Power Arc, tracksuit and all, though fans of the manga saw the creation of Dr. Gero assist the Z Fighters in the battle against the sorcerer known as Moro.
Super, joining her husband Krillin in getting back into shape for the Tournament of Power. Though her brother 17 ultimately won the Tournament, using his wish to bring back to life all the competing universes that were essentially blinked out of existence, it s clear that 18 had a heavy role to play in the proceedings. 18 herself has mostly stuck with the tracksuit look throughout the sequel series, putting her original look from the