By Chet Kapoor, Chairman and CEO of DataStax. DataStax CEO Chet Kapoor shares three tips for improving communication, time management, and decision-making.
By Chet Kapoor, Chairman & CEO, DataStax - Mistakes come in all shapes and sizes–whether it's being undisciplined in your growth, focusing too narrowly when assessing the impact of new technologies, or treating diversity and inclusion like a nice-to-have.
“Data is the fuel of this new economy. In fact, I would venture to say that for almost any organization today, after its associates, data is the biggest asset.” Dev Ganguly, CIO, Jackson National Life Insurance Company (from the
You won’t get many arguments from CIOs about the importance of data to the modern enterprise. And amid the broad spectrum of data types that power business today, one that keeps rising in importance is fast data. More than three-quarters of modern enterprises use real-time, actionable data for at least some of their applications, according to Forrester Research. In noting fast data’s strategic importance, the analyst firm also highlights the challenges involved with getting the most out of it.