as little as time as two months. what has been agreed to into the nuclear talks so far locked in iran s capability to make multiple nuclear weapons. i believe the obama administration sided with number of experts at brookings georgetown and columbia university, since a iranian nuclear weapon can not be prevented we can manage it. we re conceding the bomb to iran because the obama administration thinks it canned stop it and it is desperate for a deal. jon: but the president said it would not permit iranians to the got bomb. i know what the president has said but i also know we have been offering iran the capability of operating up to 8,000 uranium centrifuges. we re not insisting that they stop construction on a plant that will be source of plutonium. we re not insisting iran remove enriched-uranium from the country. on one hand the president is saying we won t let iran get the bomb but enormous concessions that will let them get the bomb.
is it seriously time to be talking about reopening that embassy, fred? jon good to be here. i m very disturbed by the president s comments. first of all we re nowhere considering such a step. iran is still a state sponsor of terror. it is backing the assad regime. supreme leader comauney issued a plan how to destroy the state of israel. considering a nuclear deal, this deal will not significantly affect iran s nuclear program in any significant way. it locks in iranian capability to make multiple nuclear weapons. i don t know how this gives iran a clean slate so the united states can open diplomatic relations. jon: you say they have enough nuclear material to build weapons if they have the technology? iran has enough reactor grade nuclear material to make eight weapons. could do that in four months.
allies, tell iran comply with all u.n. security council resolutions stop enriching uranium and get rid of all the enriched-uranium stockpile. that has to be a a bare minimum for a deal. jon: i suppose you heard ambassador bolton in the sound clip we played before the break who thinks it is wrong approach to talk about the possibility of reopening diplomatic relations reopening an embassy in tehran before iran lived up to obligations under these agreements. the ambassador is exactly right. by making a statement we re telling iranians they can squeeze more concessions from us. many people are wondering we made all the concessions to iranians so far. why isn t there a deal? i think there are some hard-liners in iran who never wan a deal but i think there are some there is no reason why they can t continue to hold out because as long as they hold out we keep making more concessions. i think that is what the ambassador is arguing and i agree with him. jon: former cia analyst. fred, thank
controversial fall with u.s. cuban relation after 52 years he gave special thanks to pope francis who helped inspire the deal. i want to thank his holiness, pope francis whose moral example of pursuing the world as it should be rather than settling the for the world as it is. pope francis is pursuing change at dizzying pace from a catholic church more at a moderate speed. he attacked what he called the cult of morn any in capitalism. in 2015 pope francis will publish a rare encyclical to address climate change. here in the u.s. the criticism is especially pointed. u.s. cardinal raymond burke openly criticized pope in october, the church under his leadership is like a ship without a rudder. retired bishop francis george, pope francis create ad impression that catholic doctrine is up for grabs.