administration, where americans are first. what is happening at their homes and communities are first. we have seen that. what he is accomplished in just two days. thus celebrate that and focus on that. and not try to look at what is happening. martha: omarosa, thank you very much. you are right. we have detailed all of the action that has been going on over the course of these first few days and it has been as a breakneck pace. there is more to come. martha: we look forward to reporting on it. thank you very much. good to have you here tonight. coming up, palestinian claims that one of president trump s campaign promises code to start a war in the middle east. we will explain that ahead. plus, a new media conflict to investigate. as president trump s inaugural phrase american carnage deserve the ridicule that it has received from some of the media so far? s or does it deserve praise for pointing out some of the issues of the country? dana rauch and richard fowler with that ne
this country who might feel comforted, that instead of platitudes on that stage that day, they heard what they understood as they are reality and something that they want fixed. martha, what you just said they are, right in that sentence, is exactly why trump won on november 8th. people are tired of platitudes. they are tired of cutesy little speeches for everybody talks about hope and change and instead, after the confirmation, you get a nightmare, an eight year long nightmare where people are losing their jobs and the labor participation rate has slowed by 4%. millions have lost access, they have lost their health care completely or their premiums have increased to the point where they can t afford them because of the un-affordable care act, they have seen jobs be crushed, they have seen manufacturing declined. it has, by all accounts, by all of these americans have endured this, being a carnage for them. they have seen their dreams killed. they have lost their children to drugs. i
administration, where americans are first. what is happening at their homes and communities are first. we have seen that. what he is accomplished in just two days. thus celebrate that and focus on that. and not try to look at what is happening. martha: omarosa, thank you very much. you are right. we have detailed all of the action that has been going on over the course of these first few days and it has been as a breakneck pace. there is more to come. martha: we look forward to reporting on it. thank you very much. good to have you here tonight. coming up, palestinian claims that one of president trump s campaign promises code to start a war in the middle east. we will explain that ahead. plus, a new media conflict to investigate. as president trump s inaugural phrase american carnage deserve the ridicule that it has received from some of the media so far? s or does it deserve praise for pointing out some of the issues of the country? dana rauch and richard fowler with that ne
this country who might feel comforted, that instead of platitudes on that stage that day, they heard what they understood as they are reality and something that they want fixed. martha, what you just said they are, right in that sentence, is exactly why trump won on november 8th. people are tired of platitudes. they are tired of cutesy little speeches for everybody talks about hope and change and instead, after the confirmation, you get a nightmare, an eight year long nightmare where people are losing their jobs and the labor participation rate has slowed by 4%. millions have lost access, they have lost their health care completely or their premiums have increased to the point where they can t afford them because of the un-affordable care act, they have seen jobs be crushed, they have seen manufacturing declined. it has, by all accounts, by all of these americans have endured this, being a carnage for them. they have seen their dreams killed. they have lost their children to drugs. i
cities like san antonio and chicago and memphis, where they are in many neighborhoods, living in a perilous situation and are afraid to go out at night, richard. what is wrong with recognizing the pain that those people are feeling? i don t think there is anything wrong with recognizing the pain. i think the drop of inaugural dresses, which we have seen in the past, is to inspire americans to do more. george w. bush did in his speech, ronald reagan, the idea that we are aspiring to be this great nation. i think where donald trump missed the mark on his speech, that it was overall a good campaign speech, but it missed the mark when it comes to defining what makes america great again as. when you think about the word carnage, it means the killing of mass people, i don t really know if carnage is the right vocabulary word i would use if i were the donald. martha: if you were a family who had lost a child to heroin overdose or if you lived in a community where you can t go outside at n