David Gura hosts coverage of national and international news, including breaking stories. Much. I want to dig into this more. Josh and lynn is joining me. Lynn, let me start with you. Geoff bennett mentioning the 27 district in new york and this is a district that sort of hugs buffalo, it is in upstate new york. And donald trump won that district by almost 25 points back in 2016. You look at the electoral record for the congressman who has announced he is suspending his campaign. Chris collins won that district 67 of the vote back in 2016. Let me put the same question to you as i put to jeff, what is the import of this as you look ahead to the midterms . It depends if he gets his name off the ballot. That is the next question we have to ask. Local authority determine the rules for elections. If his name stays on the ballot, then it might make it improbable that a democrat would be elected. After all, a long time ago when
release of the book. What do you make of the white house approach