Viper Energy Partners LP (NASDAQ:VNOM – Get Rating) saw a significant decline in short interest in the month of April. As of April 30th, there was short interest totalling 1,060,000 shares, a decline of 16.5% from the April 15th total of 1,270,000 shares. Currently, 1.7% of the shares of the company are short sold. Based […]
Viper Energy Partners LP (NASDAQ:VNOM – Get Rating) – Equities researchers at KeyCorp lifted their FY2023 EPS estimates for Viper Energy Partners in a research report issued on Tuesday, May 2nd. KeyCorp analyst T. Rezvan now forecasts that the oil and gas producer will post earnings of $1.34 per share for the year, up from […]
Viper Energy Partners (NASDAQ:VNOM – Get Rating) had its price objective lifted by Truist Financial from $40.00 to $45.00 in a research report report published on Tuesday, The Fly reports. Truist Financial currently has a buy rating on the oil and gas producer’s stock. A number of other research analysts have also recently issued reports […] downgraded shares of Viper Energy Partners (NASDAQ:VNOM – Get Rating) from a buy rating to a hold rating in a research report report published on Thursday morning. Several other brokerages have also weighed in on VNOM. Roth Capital restated a buy rating on shares of Viper Energy Partners in a research report on Tuesday, […]
Shares of Viper Energy Partners LP (NASDAQ:VNOM – Get Rating) have been given an average rating of “Buy” by the eleven brokerages that are covering the company, reports. Nine research analysts have rated the stock with a buy recommendation. The average 12-month price objective among analysts that have updated their coverage on the stock […]