we kept each other, as ghazi said. we passed messages to each other. we joked around. we weren t allowed to speak. but if you sort of look kind of peek underneath the blindfold, you can see if maybe there is a guard in the room or not. and we tried to joke back and forth and keep our spirits up. nbc news chief foreign correspondent richard engel and his crew. ghazi balkiz and john kooistra. they were freed after five days after being held by an unknown group inside war-torn syria. what richard said about there being other people held who are not freed. he is right. austin tice is an american reporter who has worked for a number of outlets, including mcclatchy service and the washington post. he has been missing in syria since august. in all there are 15 journalists who have reported to have gone missing in syria while reporting on this conflict. so far of the 15 only eight have been freed.
spot. we kept each other, as ghazi said. we passed messages to each other. we joked around. we weren t allowed to speak. but if you sort of look kind of peek underneath the blindfold, you can see if maybe there is a guard in the room or not. and we tried to joke back and forth and keep our spirits up. nbc news chief foreign correspondent richard engel and his crew. ghazi balkiz and john kooistra. they were freed after five days after being held by an unknown group inside war-torn syria. what richard said about there being other people held who are not freed. he is right. austin tice is an american reporter who has worked for a number of outlets, including mcclatchy service and the washington post. he has been missing in syria since august. in all there are 15 journalists who have reported to have gone missing in syria while reporting on this conflict. so far of the 15 only eight have been freed.