cannot be faulted. pete: how do you feel about the game today? we are going to win. rachel: doesn t your whole team have the flu? no. rachel: you are a good man. rachel: an important topic, appreciate it. they are so rachel: affable. all right. coming up, elon musk drops the twitter files revealing why the tech giant shut down the hunter biden laptop story. our next guest worked at the new york post the night there story was censored and he will share his take. adam klotz live from a toy store on long island for an annual event. gets into the holiday spirit.
transmission via direct message, that a tool that previously had been reserved for extreme cases like child pornography. in case you hadn t read the thread on twitter, it also points out that our colleague, kayleigh mcenany, was blocked just for tweeting a story which was put out by the new york post about the hunter biden laptop story, surprising story in and of itself. let me take you to the twitter thread. it talks about the public policy executive, caroline strahm who wondered why they were blocking the white house press secretary. goes on to say her note, returned the answer, the laptop story had been allegedly removed for violation of the
violating their own policy but they are to had an ad hoc policy, effectively we decide what is where the additions worthy based on the connections we have and it always ended up slanting toward democrats. it started with kayleigh mcenany. election day to january 6th it went from banning the press secretary to banning the president and they went on hyperdrive giving the rationale they could, the hunter biden story was the beginning of the true exposure of their willingness to use the tool. twitter acting to suppress free speech is not a first amendment violation but acting under orders from the government to suppress free speech with no judicial review, interesting when you held up the new york post, this is a government scandal, this is a democrat party scandal, dnc scandal and also this is an election scandal.
war on ukraine, this is about mind control, not just vote control. what i am getting at is here is what we learned, what it appears is twitter employees were running around like keystone cops looking for justification that had an act, why can we do it? hacked materials, what i want to know this isn t just hive mind, just isn t a bunch of liberals who simply decided we all think the same thing, this came from somewhere and we know the government was meeting with all big tech firms. twitter on a weekly basis, we know something like 50 intelligence apparatus people called the hunter biden story disinformation, didn t just pick it out of nowhere and we don t have that. who planned the idea and who
this is what the congressman wrote to twitter, this seems to be a violation of the first amendment principles. i say this as a total biden partisan. anyone looking at it earnestly and honestly is recognizing there was a target in its policy wide arbitrary attempt to suppress political opponents. i tend to think there was a hive mentality in that everyone took the spaces where they were and leveraged the power and control they had to suppress stories they didn t like whether it is government institutions they could manipulate through their power, twitter s willingness to do so. you go here and you it was every one with access to power, willing to campaign the first amendment because it is in the constitution, the people that run the organs of the public square, let s put pressure on them and leverage their trump derangement syndrome to get