is pushed forward in washington on regulation. and how the regulation systems of companies like facebook and also to look at the broad menu of different kinds of regulation that could be considered to rein in a company like that. she s made the point they could change the algorithms but that would mean they make less money so they won t do it. good to see you again. the book is an ugly truth: inside facebook s battle for domination. coming up, devastating new polls for president biden. we talk to voters to see what they think of his presidency. that s next. does your deodorant keep you fresh all day? we put dove men deodorant to the test with nelson, a volunteer that puts care into everything he does. it really protects my skin. it s comfortable and lasts a long time. dove men, 48h freshness
correct? finsta is slang for a type of account. it s not will you end that type of account? we i m not sure i understand exactly what you re asking. the and the facebook executi who testified there says the company is dedicated, though, to protecting its youngest viewers. obviously we know, like that progressive ad, wondering whether you re becoming your parents, obviously we re having a moment like that with senator blumenthal. joining me to talk about what happened at the congressional hearing, cecilia kang, co-author of the book the ugly truth: inside facebook s battle for domination. cecilia, i find what happened with senator blumenthal somewhat endearing because it got it a little bit more attention which he himself has touted here. so let s get at this issue of harm to young women.
dancing, swimming, or drinking a beer. code words allow groups to share vaccine misinformation without getting shut down. facebook says it s cracking down on covid conspiracies as a recent poll reveals how far they have already spread. get this, one in five americans falsely believe the covid vaccine contains a government microchip. joining me, the new york times reporter cecilia containing, author of an ugly truth: inside facebook s battle for domination. i have not seen you since the book came out, congratulations to you. let s talk first about the anti-vaxxers. these groups show how facebook s algorithms can be easy to fool. why hasn t the company fixed these loopholes? it s a good question. but it s not a surprise. we saw in researching this book that this is part of a pattern. facebook is not proactive, it is rather reactive. one thing they ve struggled with is misinformation.
another thing that needs to change is the leadership structure. we knew that mark zuckerberg was very much in control of the company structurally. but we found in our reporting that he was making the most consequential decisions. he essentially wrote their policy on political speech, giving the former president trump a complete exemption on all the speech policies that every other user needs to abide by. so we learned that mark zuckerberg is in control more than ever. cecilia, thank you so much for joining us. her new book is an ugly truth: inside facebook s battle for domination. next, the future of childcare. and why this is america s moment to make a permanent change. stay with us. insurance with liberty mutual,r so you only pay for what you need. hot dog or. chicken? only pay for what you need. liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty.
facebook and the inner workings of the company and i think they know our book is different because we spoke to those people inside the company. and yes, they are anonymous but they re anonymous because they still work there. and facebook did not allow them to speak to us. so, in order to keep their jobs, they had to speak to us, anonymously. sheera frankel, we thank you so much. the book again is an ugly truth: inside facebook s battle for domination. our thanks to sheera frankel. we ll be right back. (man) i ve made progress with my mental health. so when i started having unintentional body movements called tardive dyskinesia.