Ben Bailey is a world renowned stand-up comedian and the star of the hit TV game show Cash Cab. Cash Cab was a smashing success, with hundreds of episodes that aired on multiple networks. The Emmy Award winning series seemed to have mass appeal, so where did it go? Why was it cancelled?
The details of the case are not very exciting until you learn how Deleon was caught, it was a banana that brought him down. The U.S. Attorney press release says: During the robbery in Farmington on February 27, 2022, Deleon, who was serving as a lookout,
Norman Lear's impact on American television is unrivaled. Lear is the genius writer, producer and director of hit shows like All in the Family, The Jeffersons, One Day at a Time, Maude and Good Times. Before Lear ever made an impact in Hollywood he was making his bones right here in CT.