circuit system, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. there are religious shows, educational programming, and the most popular of all, sports. there s a show called ringside. a boxing team will fight the boxing team there. sports keep people s minds off the tedium of time, and few sports are more popular than boxing. for those who make the team, it s a paid job. albeit the salary range is only four to 20 cents an hour. well, you know, doing what you love. i m a boxer. that s what i love. this is what i want to do till the day i die. to do what you want is a sort of freedom. if boxing spices up angola s weekly tv schedule, it is the rodeo that provides the year s
80 dollars for winning the bull riding. cowboy of the year awarded to the highest scoring inmate gets a championship buckle. the worst inmates you can have in any area of the country, but yet they rehabilitate and can mingle with the people. we can have culture change within our prisons. some criticize the event s brutality. others say the prisoners don t deserve the excitement of the rodeo. these inmates who participate can be king for a day. that s something they never really get in prison. some people say well, who cares? i say well, what s one day? great day for a rodeo. get set for the event that is indeed unique to angola. it s about challenging the
the citizens call it the safest town in america. anyone who lives here provides some sort of special service. like medicals here, doctors here, emts. the cows might get out. indeed, angola not only has its own zip code, it also has its own golf course. if the beeline is the safest part of angola, death row is the most ominous. executions have been temporarily halted, awaiting a ruling by the supreme court. in the meantime, the cells have been filling up. how you doing? good to see you. that s my buddy. ortiz. you doing good in here? yes. getting used to this cell block? these cells are larger than the ones we used to have. you re liking it better?
terrible aspect that you have to be away from the people that you love, your family, your children. my daughter wasn t born when i got locked up and now i m a grandfather. some deceased are picked up by family members and buried as free men. for most, there s point lookout. definitely bad to die if you re in prison, but ultimately we all have to die. they have a nice service and they re buried with dignity and respect in angola. coming up, the battle to keep the prison clean requires a shakedown team. there s probably not a spot in this cell that something hasn t been found in. sometimes they win. sometimes they don t. it s really amazing where all they can hide stuff.
and its current population of 5,148 men served sentences so long it s estimated 98% of them will die here. things have changed and much credit goes to warden kane. if we can save one person from being a victim of violent crime, it s worth everything we do. and that s really what our mission is, it s not to torment and torture, but it s to correct bad behavior and do that any way you can. and the root way toot that is morality. moral people obviously don t rape, pilfer and steal. right here in the midst of angola, they see warden cane s approached morality works on two level. one, spiritual and religious. the other, engaging employment opportunities. church is optional.