interview broadcast online at the same time. do interview broadcast online at the same time- same time. do i sit there for an hour, same time. do i sit there for an hour. two same time. do i sit there for an hour, two hours, same time. do i sit there for an hour, two hours, whatever- same time. do i sit there for an hour, two hours, whatever and| same time. do i sit there for an i hour, two hours, whatever and get harassed by people that shouldn t be running for president? should i be doing that? is running for president? should i be doinu that? , running for president? should i be doing that? running for president? should i be doinu that? , ., ., ., doing that? is the tromp s motorcade en route to another doing that? is the tromp s motorcade en route to another rest doing that? is the tromp s motorcade en route to another rest is now- doing that? is the tromp s motorcade en route to another rest is now a - en route to another rest is now a familiar spectacle. each case is tu