Inox Wind’s price band has been revised to 5 per cent, as the scrip soared 223 per cent in the last six months. The price band for MRPL has been revised to 10 per cent. This PSU multibagger stock is up 116 per cent in 2024 so far.
Inox Wind stock climbed 5.14 per cent to Rs 493.30 on BSE. Inox Wind shares are down 6.84 per cent in January but are up 404 per cent in the last one year.
Multibagger stock: Inox Wind shares closed at Rs 516.25 on January 4. They
Shares of multibagger Inox Wind Ltd have lost 15.58% from their record high in five sessions. The green energy stock, which hit an all-time high of Rs 540 on January 3 has been falling for the last four sessions. Inox Wind shares closed at Rs 516.25 on January 4. They ended 4.05% lower at Rs 455.85 on January 10, slipping 11.69% in four sessions. 4.05% lower at Rs 455.85 on January 10, slipping 11.69% in four sessions.