WILMINGTON — On Monday, Nov. 13, the Select Board opened their meeting with a moment of silence in honor of Gary Robichaud. Select Board member Frank West shared that Robichaud
(Archived document, may contain errors) 868 Novemk2 7,1991 AS WASHINGTON DITHEXS STATES REMlRM HEALTH CARE INTRODUCTION That bericaa health care costs are skymcketing is something that just abut every Amexican knows. How much they arc skyrocketing is clear bm United States Depart ment of Health and Human S ervices statistics: health spending in America nached 662billionlastyear.
Medicaid, SCHIP, Title X, and other government health care programs deny parents the right to know which medical services their children receive, even when the services include birth control,psychiatric counseling, or substance-abuse therapy. Reform based onpersonal choice and competition allows parents to ensure that themedical decisions that affect their families are compatible withtheir moral judgments.