Nœux-les-Mines : la Ville innove pour aider les entreprises
La municipalité a décidé d’étendre encore son panel d’aides à destination des commerçants, artisans et entrepreneurs locaux. Elle va ainsi leur distribuer gratuitement une carte QR Code pour faciliter leurs démarches et renforcer les liens La Ville déploie une nouvelle arme dans son
arsenal d’aides aux entreprises locales. Après la création de plus de 100 places de parking en centre-ville et le lancement d’une plateforme gratuite de commerce en ligne, elle offre aux artisans, entrepreneurs et commerçants locaux un outil numérique
presidency, president trump s presidency. why? there is no question. justice kavanaugh, justice gorsuch and 26 circuit court justices. he promised on the campaign trail he would appoint constitutionalist judges who won t make up the law as they have go along, and he delivered on that promise. much of the credit here has to be shared with leader mcconnell and those in the senate who saw through exactly what this is, hyper partisanship. hysteria, dark money perhaps. and a lot of dark language. i m proud of justice kavanaugh for sticking with it. most of presidents would have pulled the nove would have pd
presidency, president trump s presidency. why? there is no question. justice kavanaugh, justice gorsuch and 26 circuit court justices. he promised on the campaign trail he would appoint constitutionalist judges who won t make up the law as they have go along, and he delivered on that promise. much of the credit here has to be shared with leader mcconnell and those in the senate who saw through exactly what this is, hyper partisanship. hysteria, dark money perhaps. and a lot of dark language. i m proud of justice kavanaugh for sticking with it. most of presidents would have pulled the nove would have pd the nomination. you don t let yourself be
presidency, president trump s presidency. why? there is no question. justice kavanaugh, justice gorsuch and 26 circuit court justices. he promised on the campaign trail he would appoint constitutionalist judges who won t make up the law as they have go along, and he delivered on that promise. much of the credit here has to be shared with leader mcconnell and those in the senate who saw through exactly what this is, hyper partisanship. hysteria, dark money perhaps. and a lot of dark language. i m proud of justice kavanaugh for sticking with it. most of presidents would have pulled the nove would have pd the nomination.