“Ready Player One” by Ernest Cline is an action-packed, Sci-Fi fantasy story.
The book starts in the early 2000’s, when James Halliday and his business partner Ogden Morrow are working on a project called the OASIS with their company, Gregarious Simulation Systems, or GSS for short. Halliday and Morrow come up with the idea to create a virtual reality world where people’s imaginations and creativity are the only limits. When the OASIS is first released in 2012, people are instantly engrossed in its fantastical and mythic worlds. But then, in the year 2039, Halliday dies. While sadness pours over the Earth, a spark of hope is sent from Halliday himself. He leaves a message announcing a contest. The first one to retrieve a hidden “Easter Egg” in his virtual reality world will inherit his stock in GSS, which is worth just over $240 billion.
What do you think of when you think of a Steven Spielberg movie? There are a variety of answers, but “blockbuster” tends to be at the top of the list. After all, it was Spielberg’s
Jaws that gave birth to the idea of the summer blockbuster, and ever since then, he’s been riding that high. Steven Spielberg is a man who makes big movies. Big spectacles. Big special effects. Big emotions. Everything is
big. And yet, in the 21st century, Spielberg adapted. He entered the new century riding high off of finally scoring multiple Oscars for titles like