Also back pain and how best to treat it. And heres your host dr constantly out. Many of my patients dont feel well and they come to see me in my practice and i treat them and then theyre in good shape but its not always so simple sometimes its really difficult like in chronic long ago which is lower back pain and this is why im getting some help today from a specialist from dr fernando de mayo here in berlin welcome to good shape. For many years doctors kept saying that if you have back pain you have to rest and avoid exercise but right now we know that that is wrong and if you want to know why we are telling you right now. In different parts of the world doctors treat back pain differently take south africa for instance doctors in just prescribe pain killers in india they suggest better este and then theres Something Like rice skins ject pills and physiotherapy but what is really help. Christophe maya has always stayed active going jogging playing tennis going to the gym but right now
The following discussion should be read in conjunction with the consolidated
financial statements and the related notes thereto, as well as all other related
notes, and financial and operational. | March 31, 2022