Coming to you from mumbai. Is one of the largest slums of the world us and highlighted boiled over for its poor Living Conditions and made popular by the oscar winning film Slumdog Millionaire but the look i look at is a hub of small scale industrious with an annual turnover of close to 1000000000. 00 an ecommerce startup is attempting to increase their access to the marketplace by creating an Online Platform to sell their goods is beyond a joke graffiti. The hobby is a means of finding. Its 2nd largest governing to square kilometer and the situated only a few minutes from mumbai supply manchu district it is also mumbai is largest Manufacturing Center that of a. He is a hive of activity here porters with roots in the state of gujarat world and live alongside the zuhdi embroiders from what ive read the government makers and plastic recyclers crossed paths with metalsmiths capital makers and banners in all there are more than 10000 skilled craftsmen here. It was this energy that drew ent
Thought was possible what does this change mean for the planet thats what well dig deeper into today hello welcome to eco india im sunk im good coming to you from mumbai. Is one of the largest slums in the world some highlighted boiled over for its poor Living Conditions and made popular by the oscar winning film Slumdog Millionaire but the look i look at is a hub of small scale industrious with an annual turnover of close to 1000000000. 00 an ecommerce startup is attempting to increase their access to the marketplace by creating an Online Platform to sell their goods is beyond their new job graffiti. Of. The hobby is a means of finding. Its 2nd largest. Every 2 square kilometers and is situated only a few minutes from mumbais financial district it is also mumbais largest Manufacturing Center that ovi is a hive of activity here porters with roots in the state of gujarat who work and live alongside the study embroiders from out of rubbish government makers and plastic recyclers crossed
Threat it imposes to the United States. Held at the conservative conference in National Harbor maryland which is right outside of washington, d. C. The United States and china are involved in a cold tech war. The winner dominates the 21st century. A decade ago, beijing was not considered a tech contender, but now it is a leader. The United States is behind in critical areas. Today we will talk about big data, ai, 5 g and chinas big challenge to the world. Congressman rogers, many people say that there needs to be a whole society mobilization on tech. The question is, is it that serious . Do we need to do this . We absolutely need to win the future and winning the future future means winning this race. This race with china right now, we need to approach at the same white Ronald Reagan did when we beat the ussr. Free market and with a Strong National defense. It is all related. You have to be a military power. You have to be an economic power. Winning this race is critical to our future
We will come to order. Todays hearing will focus on the reauthorization of the fast act, the nations current surface transportation bill that expires on september 30. We will hear the priorities of key Public Transportation stakeholders. A longterm reauthorization bill is critical to providing the certainty of stability that transit agencies, cities andos d to make responsible transportation lighting decisions. Public transportation plays a key role in our nations economy there are over 400 30,000 workers employed and Public Transportation in the United States. Transit provides approximately 33 million trips every day. Taking Many Americans to and from work, school and medical appointments. Not just in big urban cities, but also small areas. We have found ourselves with yet another reauthorization where the Highway Trust Fund is a most significant issue that needs to be addressed. In order to advance a comprehensive longterm reauthorization bill. While this committee does not have juri
An ecommerce startup is attempting to increase their access to the marketplace by creating an Online Platform to sell their goods beyond the. The heart of e is a means of finding. Its 2nd largest governing 2 square kilometers and situated only a few minutes from mumbai supine anshul district it is also mumbai is largest Manufacturing Center that is a hive of activity here borders with groups in the state of gujarat who work and live alongside the study embroiders from out of rubbish government makers and plastic recyclers crossed paths with metal smiths and a makers and banners in all there are more than 10. 1000 skilled craftsman here. It was this energy that drew entrepreneur made. 8 years ago this is a very close knit and if you give them a cause the board b. N. Access to. The whole country will go. Does idea was to raise the heart of the market out of relative obscurity by setting up an online marketplace where the artisans can advertise their workshops and products now they can re