A leading biotechnologist, futurist, author, and pharmacologist will deliver a keynote talk at oiur Growth Asia Summit 2023 on harnessing the hallmarks of ageing for healthspan extension.
Kirin’s less-calorie probiotic drink, Hamada Syuzou’s export opportunities, new Japanese government data on genetically modified food crops, Ajinomoto lauding new study findings, and Advance Programme for Growth Asia Summit 2023 feature in this edition of Japan Focus.
The Nestle Institute of Health Sciences' expert in genetics and nutrigenomics will deliver a keynote talk at our Growth Asia Summit next month assessing the potential of precision nutrition from a product perspective.
The need for F&B firms to avoid “trap” of easy brand building, plant-based pioneer Haofood to reveal key strategies at Growth Asia Summit 2023, updates on infant formula product labelling, and more feature in this edition of China Focus.
Industry leader Danone will will shed light on opportunities for artificial intelligence (AI) in early life nutrition with an exclusive keynote talk at our forthcoming Growth Asia Summit 2023.