"Silas, the Great House Cat" children's book, written by Galesburg authorJanet Pogue Tolle, and illustrated by Dusty Scott, has earned the prestigious Mom's Choice Award. Having been rigorously evaluated by a panel of MCA evaluators, the children's book is deemed to be among the best products / services for families. The MCA evaluation process uses a propriety methodology in which entries are scored on a number of elements including production quality, design, educational value, entertainment value, originality, appeal, and cost. LISTEN: Janet Pogue-Tolle and Dusty Scott talk to WGIL about "Silas, The Great House Cat" The Mom's Choice Awards is globally recognized for establishing the benchmark of excellence in family-friendly media, products and services. The organization is based in the United States and has reviewed thousands of entries from more than 55 countries. The children's story is based on a true story, which takes places at the h