to go to a bar and pick up on young conservative women, which makes them extremely intelligent. probably, i don t know don t even know anymore. remi, what do you make of this stuff? i think this study is ridiculous. i think when you are drinking your guard is down. and not to be the pessimist at the table, but people are at their core concerned about their own well being. it is about self-preservation, and a lot of conservative views are more about earning what you get and keeping what you earn, and not the government handout. it makes sense that more people would be more innately conservative, but less likely to say so when they are in front of their peers or in front of their colleagues at work. it is like hollywood conservatives will never say anything, and then when you are at a bar they will do this thing and wink at you and go, yes, i am with you. nobody wants to admit to being a little selfish or less generous. i must ask you to leave. not at all intending i am not
which makes them extremely intelligent. probably, i don t know don t even know anymore. remi, what do you make of this stuff? i think this study is ridiculous. i think when you are drinking your guard is down. and not to be the pessimist at the table, but people are at their core concerned about their own well being. it is about self-preservation, and a lot of conservative views are more about earning what you get and keeping what you earn, and not the government handout. it makes sense that more people would be more innately conservative, but less likely to say so when they are in front of their peers or in front of their colleagues at work. it is like hollywood conservatives will never say anything, and then when you are at a bar they will do this thing and wink at you and go, yes, i am with you. nobody wants to admit to being a little selfish or less generous. i must ask you to leave. not at all intending i am not trying toil ply that.