he knew it was all garbage. he didn t do anything to helpim you. you don t owe this guy a thing. and then i lll just sit there for a minute. i thought, you know what? he s absolutely right. i this god thing and they ask you this, what about writing them back now and saying inn retrospect, i put this in my new book, the letter that i you sent me in retrospect with all of the of the multitude of gas that biden has and allf the cognitive struggles that everybody else in the world sees, say you still stand by your previous letter to mer or you want to give me the apology that you owe me. i would write that letter back to obama. i could i m guessing i m not going to get a response on that. i think i burned that bridge.i but you know, i wrote this book short out of frustration. you know, the book s holding the line. right you can go out and get it right now. it s gotot a lot of great storis in it, likeries about my relationships with all three of the presidents and some of the you know, some