What do Taylor Swift, medical dogs, paid time off and hamburgers all have in common? They are each an essential element at top-ranking companies on this year s list.
10 miles from the initial location of in-n-out berger in 1948. 10 miles from pasadena east of here. i ve got to tell you this is a classic copycat case. it is a solid case for the following reasons. you ve outlined one. this a legal element here called a trade dress patent that in-n-out has. that means that there interior design is patented. that means that they can t copy. that s talk about that. it is not just the stucco happens to be white. are the awning happens to be fred and you look inside and by the way when i look at this article and i saw that picture, i thought it was in-n-out and i looked up and it was doll n burgers. they re all dressed exactly like the employees and then get this, i checked the menu. the number one menu on doll n burgers, the double double of