county jail as inmate p01135809. trump was only at the jail for about 20 minutes. he did turn himself in on the 13 felony charges for trying to overturn his election loss in georgia. this is trump s fourth arrest in five months, but it is the first time he s had a mug shot taken and this morning the photo is as we said on the front page of pretty much every newspaper and tabloid across the nation and around the world, sources tell cnn trump made the decision to look defiant in this mug shot. here is how he described his experience shortly after his release. terrible experience. i came in, i was treated very nicely. but it is what it is. i took a mug shot, which i never heard the words mug shot. that wasn t they didn t teach me that at the wharton school of finance. the former president flaunted that photo, his mug shot on twitter, now known as x, just two hours after he surrendered.
but around the world. trump was only at the jail in atlanta for about 20 minutes. he was arrested. he was booked as inmate p01135809. trump is flaunting his mug shot. he made a surprise return to twitter known as x for the first time since he was banned after the january 6th insurrection and then reinstated by elon musk last year. two hours after he surrendered, trump posted his mug shot with the caption never surrender. we have a lot to get to, let s start with nick valencia at the fulton county jail where the former president actually surrendered. nick, good morning to you. reporter: good morning, victor. the scene outside the fulton county jail was one for the history books. donald trump has been called many things in his lifetime and you can now add inmate to that list. a mug shot and inmate number p01135809 will forever be associated with the former president.
meanwhile, donald trump is attempting to make the most of his arrest, trying to fund raise off of his mugshot. we ll have all the details ahead. also ahead, those mortgage rates at a 22-year high and they may not be dropping any time soon as inflation remains high. federal reserve chair jerome powell says even more interest rate hikes are on the wall. we ll talk about that and how it plays into this jekyll and hyde economy. all of that and more here on cnn news central. from the 45th president to inmate p01135809. last night the world saw america s first-ever presidential mugshot after donald trump surrendered on rico charges as they re known in