looking for the outside to come in and help them. you can hear the yelling and screaming and, you know, people yelling for help. inmates, i heard, were tied up on these railings and thrown over and hung. some were just tossed off from mainly the third tier, the tier above us. this black mark is the outline of a body of an inmate used for the torch to carry on. i think his name was perry. he had a lot of enemies in population. that outline there on the floor is permanently there. it will not come up. some of the groups that were holding the officers hostage were attacked by other groups of inmates. the hostages were taken from them, dressed in inmate clothes, slipped out of the prison and subsequently, those prisoners that did that got pardons. after a 36-hour stand-off, exhausted, hungry and freezing, inmates surrendered to the national guard.
the hostages were taken from them, dressed in inmate clothes, slipped out of the prison and subsequently, those prisoners that did that got pardons. after a 36-hour stand-off, exhausted, hungry and freezing, inmates surrendered to the national guard. when it finally was over, we came in with the national guard, the state police. and we rushed in and first thing that i had encountered when i walked in by the control center, a body right there under water. that i tripped over. and i could still see his face. i was in wyoming when the riot happened. i was watching on tv and everything, seeing all the guys in the yard. and then that s when they told me that i was lucky to get out. they would have killed you in the riot. he s in pc now, cellblock four. i heard he was tortured with a settling torch. one of the torches they use to cut into the cellblocks. two weeks after they transferred me back to new mexico. the gym was still burning.
inmates, i heard, were tied up on these railings and thrown over and hung. some were just tossed off from mainly the third tier, the tier above us. this black mark is the outline of a body of an inmate used for the torch to carry on. i think his name was perry. he had a lot of enemies in population. that outline there on the floor is permanently there. it will not come up. some of the groups that were holding the officers hostage were attacked by other groups of inmates. the hostages were taken from them, dressed in inmate clothes, slipped out of the prison and subsequently, those prisoners that did that got pardons. after a 36-hour stand-off, exhausted, hungry and freezing, inmates surrendered to the national guard. when it finally was over, we came in with the national guard, the state police.
inmates, i heard, were tied up on these railings and thrown over and hung. some were just tossed off from mainly the third tier, the tier above us. this black mark is the outline of a body of an inmate used for the torch to carry on. i think his name was perry. he had a lot of enemies in population. that outline there on the floor is permanently there. it will not come up. some of the groups that were holding the officers hostage were attacked by other groups of inmates. the hostages were taken from them, dressed in inmate clothes, slipped out of the prison and subsequently, those prisoners that did that got pardons. after a 36-hour stand-off, exhausted, hungry and freezing, inmates surrendered to the national guard. when it finally was over, we came in with the national guard, the state police. and we rushed in and first thing
inmates, i heard, were tied up on these railings and thrown over and hung. some were just tossed off from mainly the third tier, the tier above us. this black mark is the outline of a body of an inmate used for the torch to carry on. i think his name was perry. he had a lot of enemies in population. that outline there on the floor is permanently there. it will not come up. some of the groups that were holding the officers hostage were attacked by other groups of inmates. the hostages were taken from them, dressed in inmate clothes, slipped out of the prison and subsequently, those prisoners that did that got pardons. after a 36-hour stand-off, exhausted, hungry and freezing, inmates surrendered to the national guard. when it finally was over, we came in with the national guard,