a local canine team, while they set out on a surprise contraband bust. searching inmate cells for drugs, weapons and gang paraphernalia. nobody else knows we re coming. the captains don t know, nobody knows we re coming. so this is going to be a complete surprise to staff and everybody. head of the isu, sergeant john montgomery, knows that inmates will destroy or hide the contraband if they find out about the raid. we re going to go up to the building 4 when they release for chow and we ll go up to the building and go inside and make sure all the buildings are clear before bringing the canine units in. any inmates who are still in their cells when the isu sweep begins are carefully searched before leaving to make sure they are not removing drugs. mouth. all the way around. gums. tongue up. all right. when the cellblock is cleared of all inmates, the search begins.
a local canine team, while they set out on a surprise contraband bust. searching inmate cells for drugs, weapons and gang paraphernalia. nobody else knows we re coming. the captains don t know, nobody knows we re coming. so this is going to be a complete surprise to staff and everybody. head of the isu, sergeant john montgomery, knows that inmates will destroy or hide the contraband if they find out about the raid. we re going to go up to the building 4 when they release for chow and we ll go up to the building and go inside and make sure all the buildings are clear before bringing the canine units in. any inmates who are still in their cells when the isu sweep begins are carefully searched before leaving to make sure they are not removing drugs. mouth. all the way around. gums. tongue up. all right. when the cellblock is cleared of all inmates, the search begins. by looking inside the cells
picture and actually sell it. narcotics inside prison can be sold for almost 30 times their street price. an ounce of heroine that might cost $800 can be broken up and sold here for thousands. we hit the house. the guy was selling dope out of the house. so there was probably dope in that building. to crack down on the gangs narcotic network, corcoran has formed a highly trained intelligence-gathering team called the investigative service unit. our cameras were allowed access to follow this unit, along with a local canine team, while they set out on a surprise contraband bust. searching inmate cells for drugs, weapons and gang paraphernalia. nobody else knows we re coming. the captains don t know, nobody knows we re coming. so this is going to be a complete surprise to staff and everybody. head of the isu, sergeant john montgomery, knows that inmates will destroy or hide the contraband if they find out about the raid.
room into his housing-unit area, where it s sold. even a simple greeting card can be a vehicle for transporting drugs. in this case, the peacock here, the bird, the parrot has been soaked in methamphetamine and then it s mailed in. once it s mailed in, the inmate will cut up pieces of the picture and actually sell it. narcotics inside prison can be sold for almost 30 times their street price. an ounce of heroine that might cost $800 can be broken up and sold here for thousands. we hit the house. the guy was selling dope out of the house. so there was probably dope in that building. to crack down on the gangs narcotic network, corcoran has formed a highly trained intelligence-gathering team called the investigative service unit. our cameras were allowed access to follow this unit, along with a local canine team, while they set out on a surprise contraband bust. searching inmate cells for drugs, weapons and gang paraphernalia. nobody else knows we re coming. the captains don
an ounce of heroine that might cost $800 can be broken up and sold here for thousands. we hit the house. the guy was selling dope out of the house. so there was probably dope in that building. to crack down on the gangs narcotic network, corcoran has formed a highly trained intelligence-gathering team called the investigative service unit. our cameras were allowed access to follow this unit, along with a local canine team, while they set out on a surprise contraband bust. searching inmate cells for drugs, weapons and gang paraphernalia. nobody else knows we re coming. the captains don t know, nobody knows we re coming. so this is going to be a complete surprise to staff and everybody. head of the isu, sergeant john montgomery, knows that inmates will destroy or hide the contraband if they find out about the raid. we re going to go up to the building 4 when they release for chow and we ll go up to the building and go inside and make sure all the buildings are clear before bri