Today oakland Public Schools opened for Distance Learning but the oakland unified and teachers our are still working out so ofhesnclude how te to prepare. Union leaders want two full weeks and the district is proposing nine days. Both sides also disagree on the length of time teachers will work every day. Oakland unified will continue their twice weekly grab and go distribution, but they will only distribute meals to students. Private and Charter School students are no longer eligible. Parents can go to 22 sites to pick up several days worth of meals. Abc spent the past beweek covering back to school and you can watch all the stories anytime on our new connected tv apps. Apple tv, android tv, fire tv are or recould yo roku, you can app for free. And the state reported more than 8300 new cases of coronavirus over the weekend, that is well above the seven day average of about 6400. And it may be due to the state working to clear that backlog. There were 104 people who died and that bring