the case. that takes a lot. so, jim, i m suspecting that where norm sees a mosaic you see an inkblot test. where people see what they want to see. first we see a denial by her lawyer. and again we don t know the facts here. the lawyer said he would have never been discussing destruction of documents. obviously he s given her cover from what would trigger a statute. let s say she denies it. let s say@it s in the context of press conference. remember her job at the time. everything needs context. and the context of this just doesn t match up to obstruction in my view. she s the press person. she has to deal with crisis. she s not dealing with evidence and the facts and issues that will come before an investigator or court of law. all right. we don t know enough is one piece of the puzzle. you have discussed it.
really quiet. we don t know what s going to come out during this trial. julie: that is all the time we have, we apologize. joe meant, you very much. jon: biggest case in the tennessee bureau of investigation. as pressure mounts for susan rice to testify about her role, our next guest says president obama s national security advisor has become an inkblot test and a highly partisan battle. plus, breaking news on capitol hill as house intelligence chairman devin nunes steps aside from the russian probe. what is the investigation go from here?
understand it s an inkblot test, i agree. trump said some things that were good and some things that were off the cuff but those things that were off the cuff landed like a bomb. to quote one of my favorite democrats, the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. david made this point an hour ago which is this, the prophet h josiah said those who sow the wind will reap the whirlwind. it s not simply that donald trump won, but it s the way he conducted himself in the campaign which inspired a lot of people to vote but inspired a lot of fear and he is the most divisive person we ve elected to be president in our lifetime and this is in some ways just the laws of physics coming back into play that there s going to be an equal and opposite reaction. his life is about to change in profound ways and the question is how does he handle that? to fareed s point, he is now going to get the real briefing.
do that. let me say a couple things. i think i m the only national democrat that said from the beginning that donald trump was real and could win. after brexit i think i m the only national democrat that said listen, this guy is real and can win. i think i m the only national democrat that in the middle of the campaign was going into battleground, sitting down with trump voters in their homes breaking bread and talking trying to find common ground. so common ground can be identified but we have to speak honestly and when you have a candidate who on the one hand i agree with you it s like an inkblot test if you say make america great again and different people interpret it different ways but part of the responsibility of leadership is to take responsibility for people who may be alarmed and to reassure them and there s very little reassurance. van, i think republicans have been honest. i work at a republican super pac. we said from day one there s things about republicans running
lives is very real. for someone to use that, to my side of the inkblot test, was a failure on his character. i would have hoped that tonight he would have come forward and been contrite. shown contrition. he chose to do something, not that. it s an inkblot test. somebody will say, he is a champion for women, giving them a voice, et cetera. some see it that way. i think more people will see this as a cynical move and a can i say one thing? quickly. one guy watching with interest is mike pence, who laid down a challenge to donald trump that he show what is in his heart and show remorse, show contrition. i m wondering what mike pence thought when he was watching the women in the press conference. the republican party leaders. that is a real important audience for donald trump tonight. they re trying to decide whether or not they ll hang with him or cut off money. i m sure they were disappointed