to spend next tuesday or in washington or would you rather spend it the injuries si shore. i have to make tough decisions as president but this wasn t one of them. dana: presidency must go on despite three scandals with congress in recess. the white house could shift focus away from them. they reportedly advised staffers to spend 10% of their time on the controversies but bob schieffer had this advice. president needs to rethink his entire communications poliy top to bottom. it is hurting his credibility and short changing the public. dana: so we re going to kick this around. eric, president obama goes to jersey shore. one of the things if i were governor christie, the tourism industry is a $40 billion industry and they wanted to make sure people know that they are open for business.
to spend next tuesday or in washington or would you rather spend it the injuries si shore. i have to make tough decisions as president but this wasn t one of them. dana: presidency must go on despite three scandals with congress in recess. the white house could shift focus away from them. they reportedly advised staffers to spend 10% of their time on the controversies but bob schieffer had this advice. president needs to rethink his entire communications poliy top to bottom. it is hurting his credibility and short changing the public. dana: so we re going to kick this around. eric, president obama goes to jersey shore. one of the things if i were governor christie, the tourism industry is a $40 billion industry and they wanted to make sure people know that they are open for business.