birmingham and somewhere on the stage for the first time. for four years, the commonwealth games have beeninjoe years, the commonwealth games have been injoe fraser pollock diary. he is a world champion from the city, not even a broken foot stop him. commentator: and it hurt his foot a bit i think, you can see on his face. , , ., bit i think, you can see on his face, , ., , .,, bit i think, you can see on his face, , ., face. just to be here was ordinary. five weeks face. just to be here was ordinary. five weeks ago face. just to be here was ordinary. five weeks ago he face. just to be here was ordinary. five weeks ago he had face. just to be here was ordinary. five weeks ago he had appendix . five weeks ago he had appendix surgery, but here was fraser at the front of england was s gymnastics team gold. front of england was s gymnastics team old. ., ., ,, front of england was s gymnastics team old. ., ., i. ., team gold. how. how did you do that?! i team gold. how. how did y