griff: despite new report prices surging in january. lucas tomlinson in january with the latest from the president s response. hey, lucas. lucas: the last hour, aishah interviewed and weighed jp morgan ceo jamie dimon having trouble heavy will with inflation. i wouldn t go that far. i think they got a late start. they should have started ticking interest rates earlier, maybe six months earlier than they did. lucas: here is new economic data, rose .6% in january beating analysts expectations. this annual inflation the annual inflation rate rose 5.4% first increase in inflation data since it peaked in june making analysts wonder if it s behind inflation just like jp diamond. president biden reacted to news, inflation is down from the summer while unemployment is remained at or near 50-year low and take-home has gone up. the white house announced friday it will be sending $2 billion in additional weapons and ammunition, not on the list fighter jets, asking the question on wh