factor tip of the day. we raised tens of millions of dollars to get a severely wounded american vets high-tech wheelchairs through the organization independencefund.org. so far close to 1800 track c chairs have been given out and now the country group florida i georgia line has gotten involved. bill: florida georgia line is highlighting the program, bringing 11 vets to their shows and presenting them with the life-changing machines. recently, sergeant shane savage you see him, there who did fivee combat tours received a care from the band. the sergeant lost his leg inin afghanistan, now he s got a
bill: hastings does think he did a good job ruining general mcchrystal. hastings is quite a guy. joining us now from north carolina, fox news analyst bernie goldberg. all right, bernie, now, you and i both said last week that hastings as despicable that i belief is he did not violate journalistic procedure as far as we know. i want to react to what lara logan said. roll the tape. michael hastings if you believe him said they went over ground rules laid out. that doesn t really make a lot of sense to me because if you look at the people around general mcchrystal and his history. has he history of not interacting with the media at all. i know these people. they never let their guard down like that. to me something doesn t add up. i don t believe it. bill: ms. logan spent a lot of time in the war zones in iraq and afghanistan. what say you, bernie? a couple of points. first lara logan know what is she is doing and talking about.
does remaining in afghanistan as occupiers in a muslim country, does that create more terrorists? bill: check wants to get this straight? you don t fight your enemies because by doing that you might create more enemies? so you let your enemies skate so they can attack you again? brilliant. check four. very disturbing story out of california apparently welfare recipients out there withdrew almost $2 million using atm s at casinos. you can access welfare payments in the golden state by using atm s wherever they are located. california has a 19 billion-dollar budget deficit and now we know part of the reason why. governor schwarzenegger has issued an order to stop casino welfare payments. incredible. that s just one of a thousand cons going on in that area. check 5, in an interview with the huffington post, our pal janine garofalo said.
a few minutes after the colmes manager comment on lower our comment lower our taxes there is another exchange. afterward the manager told us he enjoyed his banter with theice president. thank you. it was very nice. see you. got a great personality. but the manager admits the vice president didn t seem happy at first about the lower our taxes comment. i didn t think he liked it. but later on he whispered i m just kidding. bill: by the way that wisconsin custard tops. check three. some democrats are not happy with president obama waging the afghan war. many of us recognize that our military occupation of afghanistan really provides for prime recruiting tool as a prime recruiting tool for al qaeda. and when you look at what our primary mission is there, of course, that s our national security, we have to ask the question.
take years and their votes will not be in play before 2012, no matter what happens. i know i m wasting my time by coming up with this rhyme. a premium member i m not, so i don t know i don t have a shot. you don t need to be a premium member to have your letter read mike but membership will make you smarter. i kind of like prince harry. he s feisty, served in afghanistan and this weekend played polo in new york city, but uh-oh, didn t go harry got dethroned landed on his bum. he got back up continued on with the match. he has pluck and the match raised charity o raised money for charity in africa. you may remember a radical organization called him a