that s familiar to viewers on fox news. they re non-traditional but not as non-traditional as donald trump could have gotten. ? the bar has changed. now it is one of those things where now it is not so crazy and you say well, it is not surprising. we are going to see. he still got a lot of hires to go and whether he chooses mitt romney for secretary of state is going to indicate a lot of what his administration will be like and whether he wants to bring in those who disagrees with him and leaning towards a moderate position or establishment position, i think romney is a long shot. do you, i wonder about that? take my opinion for what we will. we are reading the tree leaves here. he can go one way or another. kellyanne conway was tweeting some funny things yesterday about mitt romney that says
se ailments found their place in ned s gym. he calls it warriors on wheels. many of his clients live on disability or social security so ned offers his services for free if need be but he does not charge more than $25 a month. he has worked with hundreds of these warriors and created more than a gym. it s a place where friendships form. independence takes hold and where the too often for ngotten are embraced for who they are and what they do. i get up around 5:30 and i get a little bit to eat. back my bags. i m out the door by 6:00. in the mornings, i train the albany fire department. later, i go to my second job. it s about a 14, 15 hour day. i work those two jobs so i can do warriors.
know if i d want a president maybe abraham lynn done and. a highly paid lawyer. you re right. and calm down, i was making analogy, but i do think that something we often don t think about, would we want our president especially in times leak this, would be wealthy? listen, the underlying message here is not necessarily wealth, it s if you look at some of the pain ads, they re effect i have. the inference that it s ingotten gains. when they say mitt romney walks into a company. fires everybody and walks out with 10 million or whatever it was. and it s not necessarily, they go over the top when they start attack being wealth and saying, anybody that makes more than $250,000 a year is a, you know, greedy fat cat. where they hit home runs, i think, is on the fairness issue, because that strikes even, you know, people that