"The Lifespan of a Fact," which starred Daniel Radcliffe on Broadway, opens at L.A.'s Fountain Theatre with new actors sparring in an epic journalistic battle.
LOS ANGELES I read a manual on memoir writing where the author made the point that for the sake of a coherent story it really doesn’t matter to anyone, least of all to the reader, whether the sofa on which, 40 years ago, you experienced your first kiss at your neighbors’ house was gray or gr.
The interest of the USC graduates and students in this historic work and the era in which it was performed is welcome and heartening. It indicates a concern with more substantial and even oppositional artistry.
Tom Von Malder of Owls Head, a graduate of Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism, reviews “Voodoo Macbeth,” “Don’t Look at the Demon,” “Death Knot,” “Back to the Wharf” and