While theatres across New York City remain closed, the Chain Theatre continues its commitment to developing new plays by diverse artists and underrepresented voices through a special live virtual reading of WHITE KNUCKLE.
The Chain has announced free Zoom readings of WHITE KNUCKLE by Juan Ramirez, Jr. Thursday, March 18th at 7PM and Saturday, March 20th at 7PM. Free Tickets: https://www.chaintheatre.org/white-knuckle
WHITE KNUCKLE is a new original work by Juan Ramirez, Jr. and is a part of the 2021 Chain Theatre Playwriting Lab. WHITE KNUCKLE centers around former boxer Rafael who has left rehab early, believing he could white knuckle it aka, stay sober only through willpower, to attend his father s funeral. He hopes to run the family business, but his brother Enrique wants to sell. How many shots can Rafael take?