came up with ideas, that then were not enacted. a great question, and i think there is a difference, because, this is kind of like a conference committee. the way congress is actually supposed to work, where, the house comes up with a plan and this is the house republican budget we put forward that actually solves the fiscal challenges and the senate comes up with a plan and they have not come up with a plan but hopefully will do so and the two committees, the two groups get together in a conference committee and come forward with an agreement between the two chambers. so, i view it more as a conference committee as opposed to a super committee and it is within the structure now, of the processes in both the house and the senate whereas the others were not. alisyn: i like your optimism, but how does the conference committee get past the huge divide that of course separates the republicans from the democrats and that is whether to increase taxes, or to cut more spending? well, there