feared by many and practically worshipped by others. also tonight, donald trump. sweeting abut the ing aing about the escape. the question is he gaining popular traction even as his party tries to get him to tone it down. later on hear from a young man who nearly lost his life to a shark. an incredible story. in the waters of north carolina. you have heard of the uptick in shark attacks. this 16-year-old talks how he survived the encounter and the recovery that its now ahead of him.
what these programs are doing now being a decade out of government. but in reality when we look at the boston bombing, at what point do you want authorities to be able to track the people who are involved? at what point do we want them in the minutes, hours after an attack to be going to courts and getting warrants and then beginning thing e ing aing ae aggregation of data. this is not an easy nut to crack and there are fourth amendment challenges. this is a clash of providing for defense and bill of rights. most are important and i wonder whether the current conversation we re having is informing the public. senator rand paul has been accused of using the nsa to further his presidential ambitions. do you think he is? there s no question the base of his political support is
which these kinds of predatory businesses do business so people aren t hurt. let me come back to you. you re risk ing aing a lot in this. to make a decision not to pay back a debt sitting on your credit is a risk for you. yes it is. it s a really big risk but it s worth taking that risk for other students to not have to go through this and for my children and your children it s all worth the fight. hold on for a second. is there an ethical question here? it feels to me in part like education is a human resource development issue in which the state has a fundamental interest, and that this is one part of it but maybe all student loans should be zero interest. we expect people to pay back, but maybe they should be zero interest. this is the tip of the iceberg of the real problem. it could be the higher end $15 million in terms of the massive amount of debt that students are
remember the jobs number this friday, we should continue to see wage gains, and that should also pull up consumer spending as well. so let s hope it continues. back over to you. and mandy, how s the patrol petroleum situation? the petroleum situation? always sticky at the top. even though you know wti as in crude prices kind of sort of been stabilizing around a range, right? but gasoline prices you know naturally they rise and then takes a little while for them to fall. what we call sticky at the top. cnbc s mandy drury. thanks. great to see you. thank you. of course, keep ing aing a eye on the opening bell. minutes away. coming up the politics of security. the likelihood lawmakers reach a deal on funding homeland security in the next five days? while speak with a congresswoman about that next. and a live look inside a policy conference where israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is set to speak live minutes from now. we re mont thaerg event for you,
officials are hold ing aing a news conference updating about possible debris that could be linked to flight 8501. there was talk that a life jacket has been found, possibly an emergency chute which comes from a plane, which allows people to get off and turns into a life raft. this is the break through we believe that the officials have been waiting for. they say there s a number of objects in the ocean, and it s about six miles from where the plane was last spotted on radar. this comes on day three of the search for flight 8501. of course now they have found this debris and they are trying to move helicopters, as well as ships to get confirmation and to see if there are any survivors if does in fact turn out to be debris from flight 8501. we have heard from a number of