Both sides and the president s side, the Special Counsel side had a facetoface meeting last week. A rare facetoface meeting after weeks of informal discussions and were told by a source familiar myself, my colleague that Robert Muellers Team Provided more granularity on the topics they would like to discuss with the president in a possible interview under the umbrella of the firing of james comey as well as the firing of the former National Security adviser Michael Flynn. The specifics include the Attorney General Jeff Sessions role in the firing of james comey as well as what the president knew about his National Security adviser Michael Flynn and his conversation he had had with former Russian Ambassador Sergei Kizlyback about the actions. There is possible collusion, possible Obstruction Of Justice and what the president knew. Im told by a source familiar that legal team has taking the
topics and created questions possible questions that could be asked in an interview on a memo. But
says was happening at cambridge analytica. watch this. joining me is a former research director who blew the whistle on the firm. thank you so much for joining us. are you doing okay? thanks for having me. it s been a long day. but i m okay. you describe what you billed as psycho logical warfare. a psychological warfare weapon. something you say steve bannon wanted. the ability to play with the psychology of an entire country. how did that work? talk to us about that. yeah. so steve came to scl because he believes in something called the breitbart doctrine. in order to change politics you first have to change culture because politics is down stream from culture. and in order to fight a culture war, you need an arsenal of information weapons. and who better to go to than a company like scl which is a military contractor based in the
uk to help set up those information weapons. and so what we worked on at scl and later at cambridge analytica is data harvesting programs where we pull data from users of apps and all the friend networks and run that data through algorithms that can profile the psychological attributes so we would know what information we need to feed to online platforms o to exploitmental vulnerabilities that are algorithms showed they had. this goes beyond just sort of programming advertisement toward a certain group. because you told us you can tell something about people based on things like whether they like game of thrones or country music. what can you tell? yeah. so, you know, i think it s easiest to think about when you go on a date, for example. the questions that you ask on a date, right? you ask what music do you like? what kind of movies do you
so steve came to sel because he believes in something called the breitbart doctrine, which is that in order to change politics, you first have to change culture because politics is downstream from culture. and in order to fight a culture war, you need an arsenal of information weapons. and who better to go to than a company like sel, which is a military contractor based in the uk, to help set up those information weapons. and so what we worked on at scl and later at cambridge analytica, was data harvesting programs where we would pull data from users of apps and all of their friend networks and run that data through algorithms that could profile their personali personality traits so we would know exactly what kind of information we would need to seed onto online platforms to
that s how the company started. yeah. there was no data before that point. so we went from no data to harvesting all of this data off of facebook and then combining it with all this consumer data sets at the behest of steve ba bannon? yeah. the company got funded in the spring of 2014 and he wanted to be able to have functioning program in time for the mid terms. so we had sort of a steve bannon and a billionaire breathing down our necks saying where is the data? where is the algorithms and our information weapons? and that s where alex ander kogan came along from cambridge who offered the use of this app that had special permissions granted by facebook to pull data not only from the app user but from all of the friends of that user and that meant that for one user we re collecting 200, 300