The Ukrainian soybean market is experiencing a second wave of increased production, which is primarily driven by attractive price conditions and increased profitability when growing soybeans compared to other crops.
In 2022/23 MY, Kazakhstan achieved a record-breaking barley export of over 591.000 tonnes to China, nearly six times the previous year's figure of 99.300 tonnes.
At the conference experts and participants discussed trends, development vectors and prospects of the fat and oil industry. The event brought together more than 200 representatives of leading companies from 14 countries — processors, exporters, agricultural holdings, industry organizations, equipment manufacturers, etc. Anyone who continues to work in the event industry during the war in Ukraine understands how difficult it is to gather so many delegates offline.
According to preliminary data from APK-Inform Agency, in 2022/23 MY, the export of refined sunflower oil from Ukraine amounted to about 535 thsd tonnes (+5% y-o-y).