the dome on saturday. info on finally, tonight the tip of the day, tip of the to starbucks. coffee company is hiring 10,000 vets and nearly 40,000 young americans who don t have jobs. they are ahead of schedule for the hires, and encourage vets and young ones to apply. that s the kind of economic plan that is both patriotic and good for business. we applaud at starbucks and encourage other americanrb corporations to launch similar programs. factor tip of the day. that is it for us tonight, please check out the fox news factor website which is different from we would like you to spout off about the factor from anywhere in the world. name in town if you wish to opine, word of the day, do not be an nebbish. i made a list today of all the people i know who are nebbish
invasion of the body snatchers. and if we keep up this with these doping machines, many more pod people will be among us. fran see, south miami, florida, why can t we have miller more than once a week. that s all his patrol officer will allow, francine. miller is on vacation this week but i m sending you two ticket to see us at the hard rock hotel in broward county on november 7th to the don t be a pin head show. two other shows with tickets left. info on the factor tip of the day, in the august 24th edition of variety there s a big picture of me and my pal jon stewart. under the picture is the caption, jon stewart won the variety emmy ten times. bill o reilly has never been nominated in the category. i m not in entertainment like stewart is but the point is well
will burn smith, miller was wrong about biden. he was elected senate at age 29, not a congressman. thank you for correcting the record, counselor. i hope you can catch a don t be a pin head show. in the fall we seal see everybody in st. louis, chicago, south florida at the hard rock hotel in phoenix, vegas, charlotte sold out, info on very big happy birthday to world war ii and korea vet george vice 101 today in california. way to go. and finally tonight the factor tip of the day. last night i told you guys adds a kid i was committing a misdemeanor. actually i committed many of them. now that the statute of limitations has run out, i can finally come clean. when the new york mets started up in 1962 i was immediately on board. but i didn t have enough money to attend many games. so one day while at shay stadium, courtesy of my father,
how about miller? he doesn t like to get dirty, joe. but thank for the nice segue. cincinnati, buffalo and sellout status. honolulu, fargo, rapid city, tickets going fast. info on and finally, tonight s tip of the day, last night out on long island, did a benefits show. but i get the same questions all the time when it comes to meghan and bill, you know, how hot and how tall. let me get rid of this right now. meghan is tall and bill is hot. so how i got into television news in my stint in television news. and it s i was thinking about brian because he s so funny and interesting and he s so full of information. and i think if he s the guy you would like sort of invite back to your frat party after the event, i m sort of like the career counselor. this is how you have to do it. big crowd, they seemed to like us. and much money was raised for the schools at st. mary s. thank you all who attended.
clinton. how about miller? he doesn t like to get dirty, joe. but thank for the nice segue. cincinnati, buffalo and minneapolis nearing sellout status. honolulu, fargo, rapid city, tickets going fast. info on and finally, tonight s tip of the day, last night out on long island, did a benefits show. but i get the same questions all the time when it comes to meghan and bill, you know, how hot and how tall. let me get rid of this right now. meghan is tall and bill is hot. so how i got into television news in my stint in television news. and it s i was thinking about brian because he s so funny and interesting and he s so full of information. and i think if he s the guy you would like sort of invite back to your frat party after the event, i m sort of like the career counselor. this is how you have to do it. big crowd, they seemed to like us. and much money was raised for the schools at st. mary s.