Amid the worsening coronavirus situation in the country, the government on Thursday appealed to top corporates to consider converting their vacant office buildings into temporary COVID care facilities. Corporate affairs secretary Rajesh Verma has written to the heads of top 1,000 corporates in terms of market capitalisation. While appreciating the support of corporate India in combating COVID, he said the second COVID surge requires a more coordinated and focused approach so as to provide immediate relief to people.
The Centre for Cellular and Molecular Platforms or C-CAMP, on behalf of Bangalore Life Sciences Cluster, has enabled mass-scale availability of indigenously developed, ICMR/DCGI-approved COVID-19 diagnostic kits for government and private diagnostic labs that are facing any shortfall due to the increased number of cases across India. The initiative is supported by the Rockefeller Foundation, Indigenization of Diagnostics program or CCAMP-InDx in conjunction with the Nati