nondefense cuts in there, but there are still more defense cuts. but he also does change cpi with social security, which essentially eliminates inflation increases, which has got a lot of people on the left beside themselves. he does not raise the retirement age, which he also knows he would get absolutely no democratic support for. gretchen: it s interesting because originally two years ago or so, he did talk, at least ostensibly, about raising the age. but that s not on the paper yet. i think this is a starting point, though. if you re a democratic president and you have a lot of people on the left upset at with you this proposal, then you know that maybe there is some middle ground to be found in it, something. brian: exactly. where was it in the first four years? gretchen: exactly. this is a change for this president. you can argue about why he s reaching out across the aisle. whether it s legacy or whatever it is. this could be a starting point to at least have some sort of