1st lets take a look at our planets sun wind and water are almost inexhaustible sources of energy here on earth and we have the technology to tap into them were moving away from fossil fuels to Renewable Energies that much is clear but whats unclear is how to reliably store all of that energy. Its a problem that we need solving as more and more of our electricity in the future will come from renewable sources. This was engineer has come up with an interesting concept. Andrea petrecki has a vision he wants to build a gravity assisted battery to compensate for the fluctuating nature of solar and wind energy if it works itll be able to store millions of times more energy than a conventional household that are e the. Vision is a system for storing large amounts of energy so we can increase the sheriff of nubile energy is in the grid. Right now its about 30 to 35 percent thats the limit because the sun doesnt shine constantly what we need is a more economical and efficient storage system th
1st lets take a look at our planets sun wind and water are almost inexhaustible sources of energy here on earth and we have the technology to tap into them were moving away from fossil fuels to Renewable Energies that much is clear but whats unclear is how to reliably store all of that energy. Its a problem that needs solving as more and more of our electricity in the future will come from renewable sources. A swiss engineer has come up with an interesting concept. Andrea petrecki has a vision he wants to build a gravity assisted battery to compensate for the fluctuating nature of solar and wind energy if it works itll be able to store millions of times more energy than a conventional household that are e. Vision is a system for storing large amounts of energy so we can encourage the sheriff energy is in the grid. Or right now its about 30 to 35 percent thats the limit because the sun doesnt shine constantly what we need is a more economical and efficient storage system. And this is wh
1st lets take a look at our planets sun wind and water are almost inexhaustible sources of energy here on earth and we have the technology to tap into them were moving away from fossil fuels to Renewable Energies that much is clear but whats unclear is how to reliably store that energy. Its a problem that urgently needs solving as more and more of our electricity in the future will come from many of those sources. A swiss engineer has come up with an interesting concept. Andrea petrecki has a vision he wants to build a gravity assisted battery to compensate for the fluctuating nature of solar and wind energy if it works itll be able to store millions of times more energy than a conventional household battery. Vision is a system for storing large amounts of energy so we can increase the sheriff or nubile energies in the grid. Right now its about 30 to 35 percent thats the limit because the sun doesnt shine constantly what we need is a more economical and efficient storage system that an
1st lets take a look at our planet sun wind and water are almost inexhaustible sources of energy here on earth and we have the technology to tap into them were moving away from fossil fuels to Renewable Energies that much is clear but whats unclear is how to reliably store all of that energy. Its a problem that urgently needs solving as more and more of our electricity in the future will come from renewable sources. This was engineer has come up with an interesting concept. Andrea petrecki has a vision he wants to build a gravity assisted battery to compensate for the fluctuating nature of solar and wind energy if it works itll be able to store millions of times more energy than a conventional household battery and is integral of the. Vision is a system for storing large amounts of energy so we can increase the sheriff energy is in the grid. Or right now its about 30 to 35 percent thats the limit because the sun doesnt shine constantly what we need is a more economical and efficient st
Come from many of those sources. A Service Engineer has come up with an interesting concept. Andrea petrecki has a vision he wants to build a gravity assisted battery to compensate for the fluctuating nature of solar and wind energy if it works itll be able to store millions of times more energy than a conventional household that are e. Vision is a system for storing large amounts of energy so we can increase the sheriff of nubile energy is in the grid. Or right now its about 30 to 35 percent thats the limit because the sun doesnt shine constantly what we need is a more economical and efficient storage system that and this is what his batteries will look like towers 60 to 120 meters high made of hundreds of cement blocks built around the 6 armed crane when theres excess energy in the grid it will Power Electric motors which move the crane arms to lift and stack the 35 ton blocks. Now the battery is charged. When electricity is needed the blocks are let down again generators in the cran