measures in this infection program in xi an. it is still spreading. what does that tell us? reporter: that s right. also the situation feels like deja vu from what we saw in wuhan, growing complaints of residents about lack of access to food items, for instance. that, of course, is in sharp contrast to state media s portrayal of delivery of daily necessity items to families throughout the city by the government. the situation has been made worse by tightened regulations in the city. last week each household was allowed to send out one representative every other day to do grocery shopping. and that, quote, unquote privilege was suspended as authorities tried to further restrict the movement of people to stop the community spread of this virus as you refer to. that, of course, is very much because of the beijing leadership s insistence on covid policy. that is also why authorities are doubling down on mass testing,
Our investigation has some limitations. First, interviews were conducted several weeks after illness onset, which enabled accurate classification of patients by hospitalization status and data collection on all symptoms and their duration (
45). However, this timing might result in incomplete recall and recall bias, which could affect the accuracy of reported symptoms and their timing, particularly among hospitalized patients, who might be more likely to remember more severe symptoms (
46). Future prospective studies using methods such as symptom diaries or serial interviews could reduce recall bias. Second, a higher proportion of proxies were interviewed on behalf of hospitalized case-patients. However, when proxies were removed from the reduced multivariable model, the ORs were relatively stable, indicating the proxies did not affect the association of symptoms with hospitalization. In addition, although clinical manifestation of viral respiratory diseases can differ by age, we w