Television provider. White House Coronavirus Task force members dr. Anthony fauci eat, cdc director dr. Robert redfield, and fda commissioner dr. Steven hahn testified at a Senate Hearing on the governments response to covid19 and reOpening Schools. The panel addressed the recent spike in positive coronavirus cases. Dr. Fauci also warned that the u. S. Could see up to 100,000 new cases a day. Other topics included progress on a covid19 vaccine and news of a new swine for. Mr. Alexander the committee on health, education, labor and pensions will please come to order. First, some administrative matters based on the advice of the attending physician and the sergeant at arms after consulting with the department of health and Human Services and the centers for Disease Control. Individuals are seated 6 feet apart. As a result theres no need for , the public to attend in person. Representatives of the press are working as a pool. In person. Representatives of the press are working as a pool.
Other topics included progress on a covid19 vaccine and news of a new swine flu. News of a new swine for. Mr. Alexander the committee on health, education, labor and pensions will please come to order. First, some administrative matters based on the advice of the attending physician and the sergeant at arms after consulting with the department of health and Human Services and the centers for Disease Control. Individuals are seated 6 feet apart. As a result theres no need for , the public to attend in person. Representatives of the press are working as a pool. In person. Representatives of the press are working as a pool. The hearing may be watched online and unedited recording will be available on our website www. Health. Sena www. Health. Sena www. Health. Senate. Gov. Some senators are participating by videoconference. Id like to say a word about masks. We may remove our masks and talk into the microphone as long as were 6 feet apart. So thats why my mask is off right now because im
Concementing wico consulting with the department of health and Human Services and the centers for Disease Control. Individuals are seated 6 feet apart. Vupt theres no need for the public to attend in person. Representatives of the press are working as a pool. The hearing may be watched online and unedited recording will be available on our website www. Health. Sena www. Health. Sena www. Health. Senate. Gov. Some senators are participating by videoconference. Id like to say a word about masks. We may remove our masks and talk into the microphone as long as were 6 feet apart. So thats why my mask is off right now because im 6 feet away from everybody else. But like many other senators when im walking the hallways or on the senate floor im wearing a mask. People wear a mask because cdc has said, quote, simple cloth coverings slow the spread of the virus and help people who may have the virus and do not know it from transmitting it to others. Unfortunately, this simple lifesaving practice
What i meant by its not working is were dealing with Community Spread as a substantial number of people getting infected do not know theyre infected. Theyre not symptomatic. Theyre asymptomatic individuals. The classic paradigm of identification and Contact Tracing is very difficult to make that work under those circumstances. You superimpose upon that the fact that even with identification, isolation and contact trace, often the dots are not connected. If you get on the phone and talk to people who are in some of these communityus find that a lot of it is done by phone. When its done by phone maybe half the people dont want to talk to one who they think is a government representative. If you live in a community thats mostly brown or black youre in a different situation that maybe 70 of them dont really want to talk to you. You can identify a contact but you dont isolate them because you dont have the facility to isolate them. That is whats not working. So what were going to do, and we
Nursing homes. We are joining this hearing in progress. Youre watching live coverage on cspan3. As one basis for work authorization. U. S. Cis has used deferred action in medical and humanitarian cases for decades. The idea is longstanding, and, in fact, customary. In one data set i received in 2011, nearly half of the cases i could identify involved serious medical conditions. And many of the cases involved more than one factor. For example, deferred action was granted to a 47yearold schizophrenic who overstayed his visa, was the son of a lawful perm resident, and had siblings who were u. S. Citizens. Over 100 of these cases involved people whose homes were destroyed by an earthquake in haiti. In another data set, a 578 cases obtained from u. S. Cis in 2013, 336 were based on medical issues. One case involved a mexican female who entered the United States without inspection and had two u. S. Citizen children. One of her children had down syndrome, and the other child had serious medic